StarUML is modeling software that runs on Windows with an open source license and supports the Unified Modeling Language (UML) modeling notation. Based on UML version 1.4, StarUML allows using eleven different types of diagram, accepting UML 2.0 notation. It supports actively the Model Driven Architecture (MDA) approach implementing the UML profile concept and allowing to generate code for Java, C# or C++.

The StarUML tool has been created in 1996 and was open sourced and renamed StarUML 5.0. StarUML implements the following UML 2.0 Diagrams
* Use Case Diagram
* Class Diagram
* Sequence Diagram
* Collaboration Diagram
* Statechart Diagram
* Activity Diagram
* Component Diagram
* Deployment Diagram
* Composite Structure Diagram

StarUML supports Microsoft Office documents generation (Word, Excel and PowerPoint) and offers a customizable code generation feature. You can also import diagrams from Rational Rose and verify your diagrams, using the UML 1.4  rules for model quality. StarUML supports patterns (GoF, EJB and User-defined patterns). StarUML has a lot of powerful features which makes it more than a “simple” diagramming tool It is more aimed at people using UML intensively with some code generation with its support of Model Driven Architecture. However, StarUML works also fine if you just want simply to draw UML diagrams, especially on Windows as the tool is built with Delphi and runs faster than the Java-based tools like ArgoUML.

StarUML facts

Web Site:
Current Version: StarUML version5.0.2.1570 (February 2012)
System Requirements: Windows 2000, Windows XP, or higher; Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher; 128 MB RAM (256MB recommended); 110 MB hard disc space (150MB space recommended)
License & Pricing: Open Source
Support: User mailing list

More StarUML knowledge

StarUML – Open Source UML Tool

StarUML Tutorial

StarUML Tutorial

A Brief Guide in Modeling UML using StarUML

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